Kara Seeger, MA, MFT
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

Here is a list of phone numbers and websites that may be helpful. 

Crisis support phone numbers:
National Suicide Hotline  800-273-TALK
Santa Clara County Crisis Hotline  408-279-3312
Domestic Violence Hotline  800-799-7233
Alcoholics Anonymous 24-hour helpline  408-374-8511
National Alliance for Mentally Ill (NAMI) 408-583-0001

www.nami.org  National Alliance on Mental Illness
www.arcuria.net  Northern California Recovery Resource Listing
www.bbs.ca.gov  California Board of Behavioral Sciences
www.php.com Parents Helping Parents
www.psychologytoday.com  Psychology website with articles on mental health
www.teencentral.net  Support for teenagers
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